Dear Head Master,
I am writing this letter for your scholarship. I have graduated from State University of New York, Binghamton, N.Y with a degree in Business on June 1985. Since June 1985, I have been working for Legal Services in Newark. My majoy job is to paralegal work with emphasis on tenant's rights and immigration law.
In addition, when a student, I had been volunteer at St. John's Church for 2 years. My objective is to attend Booklyn Law School as a part-time student and study for a degree in law.
I hope to receive your scholarship to help my study. I look for ward to hear from you soon.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Writing pratising on 27 Mar
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Pratise for writing on 25 Mar 2008
Everybody had agreed to come to company in time at 7:00 AM; but we're Vietnamese :) so the trip started at 7:30. I intended to play some games with everybody on our way but it seemed they didn't think about it. They just got into the bus (we went to Vung Tau by bus) and enjoyed watching people through the window. I thus didn't say anything and do as they.
We got to Vung Tau at 12:00 and then fell asleep till 14:00. Actually, the team didn't want to waste 2 hours sleeping in Vung Tau but we were too tired to go around. At 14:30, everything have been ready for a long trip. We came around Vung Tau such as Nghinh Phong, Giesu and Bach Dinh.
I will continue latter; it's time to sleep now.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A stone and a statue
In a museum, there is a stoned road led to a beauty statue casted with marble. The visitor from everywhere comes round to contemplate the museum. One night, the stone say hardly to statue:
"Hey, beauty, how is unfair! Why does everybody always walk on me to comtemplate you? It's unfair."
The statue calmly recall it:
"Do you remember we were made from a mine stone?"
The stone carry on with grumbling:
"We were made from the same mine stone, and now it has discrimination between you and me."
The beauty statue is still quite:
"But you remember one day the sculptor started modeling you and how much you resisted him."
The stone reply:
"Of course I do. I hate him. He climbed onto me, carved me. Oh, what a pain!"
And the statue go on:
"So he can't continue with you."
"And what's wrong with that?", the stone said
The statue keep saying:
"When he decided to leave you off and start on me. I knew I would become different thing rather that a normal stone. And I didn't act like you before, withstood all pain that he made."
Then the stone say nothing.
- Many difficulties you get, many things you learn to make ready for you future.
- Do not give up when coming up against failing and trial.
- Let the past go away, you can not change it anymore, don't let it upset you.
- The past was good, the present could be better and the future will be the best.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
And add a dictionary.
Anyway, I asked Phu to create an image of cd and copy to usb so I can try it one day.
Now my gut feeling is that I can write an essay effectly than before, but grammar still is a challenge for me. Ok, it's time to go bed. Hope a better day.
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
Correct "Lemon story" essay
Lemon story - go to original topic
When I started on studying the first class grade at six year-olds years old, my father was admited to be a post-graduate program and must had to get to Czechoslovak Czechoslovakia for 4 years. I was very sad because it would take be a long time to meet him again before I saw him again.
Because I'm the first-born in my family, my father loves me so very much. And when my mother born bore my sister, she was at was busy taking care of a baby so my dad would put me to sleep by melodies which he made himself "Sleep well, my sweetie".
At the time he was off, I couldn't express how my feeling was my feelings. It was a sunny day in the summer; dad held me in his arms and took leave of me by a kiss before going up climbing up into the airplane. I gave him a fresh lemon and said "When being tired from working, you squeeze a lemon to feel better."
Day after day for 4 years, dad was writing to our us. In every night, when we (mum, my sister and I) had finished off taking a meal eating supper , mom would read dad's letter for our to us. In these letter, dad didn't said about the lemon that I had given to him.
After 4 years, dad has come back along with the withering and unchanged lemon. He said to me that he hadn't squeezed that lemon; what is more, he put it in the most solemn place in his room at in Czechoslovak. And when he was getting tired because of working or studying, he just come came/went back to the room, looked at my lemon and lost all tiredness. Once, a cleaner saw the lemon and indeliberately ???? throw it to trashcan. Luckily, when going back to the room, dad didn't see the lemon noticed the lemon was missing so he asked the cleaner and got it back at the time.
I really forget had forgetten about the lemon that I had given to dad when bidding farewell to him. I'm getting moved when I know moved knowing he brought the lemon along for all of 4 years and that is the most encouraging for the it encouraged him through working and studying in a long time at in a forgein country. Up to now, when Up until I got married and had kids, that was when I feel felt his love more than the most and that it was a lesson for me about family loving for me loving ones family.
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Lemon story
Translated from: TTO
==== Begin story =====
Lemon story
When I started on studying the first class at six year-olds, my father was admited to be a post-graduate and must get to Czechoslovak for 4 years. I was very sad because it would take a long time to meet him again.
Because I'm first-born in family, my father love me so much. And when my mother born my sister, she was at taking care of baby so my dad would put me to sleep by melodies which he made himself "Sleep well, my sweetie".
At the time he was off, I couldn't express how my feeling was. It was a sunny day in the summer; dad held me in his arms and took leave of me by a kiss before going up the airplane. I gave him a fresh lemon and said "When being tired from working, you squeeze a lemon to feel better."
Day after day for 4 years, dad was writing to our. In every night, when we (mum, my sister and I) had finished off taking a meal , mom would read dad's letter for our. In these letter, dad didn't said about the lemon that I had given to him.
After 4 years, dad has come back along with the withering and unchanged lemon. He said to me that he hadn't squeezed that lemon; what is more, he put it in the most solemn place in room at Czechoslovak. And when he was getting tired because of working or studying, he just come back to the room, looked at my lemon and lost all tiredness. Once, a cleaner saw the lemon and indeliberately throw it to trashcan. Luckily, when going back to the room, dad didn't see the lemon so he asked cleaner and got it back at the time.
I really forget about the lemon that I had given to dad when biding farewell to him. I'm getting moved when I know he brought the lemon along for all of 4 years and that is the most encouraging for the working and studying in a long time at forgein country. Up to now, when I got married and had kids, I feel his love more than and that was a lesson about family loving for me.
==== End story ====I know there are many mistakes and wrongly using vocabulary in the essay. I will ask for help and fix it soon.
Correct 1
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Sunday, March 09, 2008
Correction for "Writing practice in 5 March" post
I have had some corrections on my Writing pratice on 5 March post. This modification based on my questions on alt.usage.english newsgroup about grammar of that post. So it's modified version of post. Thanks Peter Moylan for helping me.
I'm used to think the 3 February street in my city is the "student" street, a street reserved only for students, or the "flower" street because there're people selling flower there every day, even it si not a holiday. It might be a way for these student to earn their living. Going along the street, I wonder whether anyone could gift a rose these girls.
I remember buying a flower from a female student at last Women's Day. She was stunning and had a nice eyes, they were black and bright. She came from the country and became a freshman this year. She sells flower to support her study.
In these busy days, we often hear about many luxury of rich people but they are not aware of rural families whose children would like to become university students. Nevertheless, the poor people must provide for their family back in the country while at the same time continuing their studies.
This morning, while going along the "flower" street, I tried to find the young girl with the bright eyes. Would she continue be a student or drop out in order to help her family? I wish I could meet her, and buy her a bouquet for Women's Day.
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Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Writing practice on 5 March
Translated from : TTO
Modified version
These days, banners and panels have been hung out with printed greeting on it. The Woman Day is comming ...
I'm used to think the 3/2 street in my city is the "student" street, a street reserved only for student, or the "flower" street because there're people selling flower day by day no matter it's at holiday. It might be a way for these student earning their living. Going along the street, I wonder whether anyone could gift a rose these girls.
I recalled that I bought a flower from a student girl at last Woman Day. She is stunning and have a nice eyes, they're black and bright. She came from countryside and have become to a freshman in this year. She sell flower to support her study.
In the busy days, we usually hear many luxury party of dudes but they are not aware of the beggarliness of families, rural people whose desire could become a student in the university. Nevertheless, the poor people must provide for their family at countryside as well as continue learning.
This morning, going along the "flower" street, I try for finding the young girl who have the bright eyes. Would she continue be a student or leave off it to go to help her family ? I wish I could meet her to buy a bouquet for her at Woman Day.
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Saturday, March 01, 2008
Report on 29 Feb 2008
Today was nice. I wasn't hard at it although there had been a lot of report defects (bug). I have been well aware of SQL Reporting Service so I can fix it easily. In the team meeting, Buu said the firm have been being a winds of change as of now: the whole company operating structure will be changed. The outsourcing service have only two levels for managing: director and development teams (PM is representative).
With new model, PMs will manage everything about project and his team such as financial reports, budget from client, development processes, keeping up with customer directly. It sound great, huh ? Actually, that operating way have been no new in other software companies in the world. Anyway, it should be started off, better late than never.
Our Program Manager (Du) have been leaving off work for 3 months (unpaid day off) and he will decide to go back or retire after. Anyhow, he's good guy and I still got on with him.
It seem there're many things to be done from now on like get TOEIC and MCTS certificate, pass final exam in English school, improve programming skill, .. Ok, let kick off and enjoy your life.
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